Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Insights into Technology That are Valuable for Designers

Innovate or evaporate. This is the modern business imperative that has summed up the current competitive trends being experienced in the business world. As Marchal established, in addition to securing the time to market, improve quality and cost, manufacturers are now forced to focus on innovation (1).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Insights into Technology That are Valuable for Designers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Innovation was universally defined by most scholars as the design that takes markets by storm. These designs are accompanied with leading-age development processes which transform conceptual ideas into reliable, saleable and cost-effective products (Stahl 128). Nonetheless, while referring to design as a business strategy, Karie postulated that many questions arose in (say scientific communities) as a result of the use of business terms such as â€Å"national competitiveness,† â€Å" strategic areas,† â€Å"priorities,† and â€Å"new paradigms†. This was the case simply because these terms had gained great use in scientific statements and as such donors had no option but to rely on them to determine the viability of the projects for funding. In the end of the selection process, the author asserts that only projects that were geared towards enhancing innovation (which in this essay paper I specifically refer to as design) made it the final list for funding. To help achieve the ever-changing user needs in the current competitive environment, Stahl asserted that the advancements in technology have been at the forefront of assisting designers to accomplish innovation. To support this, I state that if I asked the following question to informants, â€Å"can you narrate to me the experiences of technology in your homes or your personal lives?† then I am likely to get abundant responses some of which I document them in the succeeding paragraph :Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Before the coming of the remote controls, we needed to get up to change the TV stations. Before the invention of the cell phones, we were only accessible at homes or at workplaces with the use of landline. Before the ATM, we had to physically approach tellers to withdraw money. Before the coming of the internet (www), we neither were unable to access up-to-date information nor communicate to remote friends. The above statements point to a single fact. This is that advancements in technologies have helped designers to develop hi-tech devices that target to improve people’s lifestyles. Personal computing, business management application programmes and many more personal devices have as a result made substantial inroads in almost all world societies (Deutsch 4). Goggin justified the above notion when he documented that there were nearly 1 bil lion personal computers and over 3 billion phone subscribers as of the year 2007 (525). In this study, I make a follow-up on the findings above by I arguing that a number of insights into technology have provided valuable assistance to many professionals in their efforts to enhance innovation and improve lifestyles. Since technology is a broad subject area with its scope varying greatly based on the assigned context, the author points out that this essay paper will narrow down to the usefulness of the topic to the professional designers. The following is the analysis and argumentation in support of the paper’s purpose. The insights cover 4 industries of technology namely the computer, TV and mobile phone and motor industry.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Insights into Technology That are Valuable for Designers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To start with, the author asserts that the insights in the computer industry have been valuable to designers in various ways. For instance, Balestri and the group established in their research paper that â€Å"the electronic design studio provides tools for analysis of problems and draft designs† (10). This team of scholars went ahead to expound on their findings by giving a real-time example of a program for composing in French (called ‘System D’) that offered in addition to its basic word processor, additional database references for its novice users (who can also be designers in our perspective). Likewise, in computer science, Elliot Soloway’s analytic tools for computer programming have assisted students to easily decompose their initial draft programs. In the field of computer architecture, designers have benefitted from the use of technological innovations mainly in the form of Computer-Aided-Design (CAD). To further on this, the author concluded that an example of a CAD program is the â€Å"Energy Schemin g† that is equipped with tools that quickly analyze draft designs of buildings (Balestri et al., 10). In addition to analyzing, CAD programs can have the abilities to gauge the amounts of energy lost through windows of given sizes. To sum up on the insights of the CAD technological innovations in this paper, the author asserts that their ability to create alternative visual or pictorial representations (in form of trees, outlines, sequences of sentences amongst others) to designed structures are valuable to many designers. This is so because they assist designers to detect errors or flows in the initial drafts and a result initiate and implement corrections accordingly. Figure 1 depicting a Chief Architect’s design of a 3D glass house (created by use of CAD).Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Source: Chief Architect Homepage The second analysis of how insights into technology have been valuable to designing can be well explained by analyzing the current trends in digital branding. From the onset, the author notes that it is impounded to provide a background of the succeeding statements below. First, the author states that branding was defined by Balakrishnan as â€Å"selecting a consistent brand element mix to identify and distinguish a destination through positive image building† (42). Second, it has been recently adopted as perhaps the most powerful and the best marketing weapon readily available to most contemporary destination planners and marketers. Third, this was supplemented by the unplanned spending of a whooping US$ 1,480 billion on destination branding in the same year (Balakrishnan 84). In a nutshell, until recently, few success stories had existed in the destination branding strategies. Morrison and Anderson averred that this was so because they cont ained a mixture of varying components (commonly referred to as marketing mix). However, the trend has changed today thanks to the important role played by technology in enhancing designing of appropriate business strategies. This has been so because on project based co-operations, designers have been able to manage the translation of business goals and brand stories into sentiments and visuals that touch specific target audiences. The advanced technology has thus facilitated implementation of concept, research, design and strategy. This has been achieved by use of technological tools such as Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Marketing Platforms and other additional data services. Figure 2 below demonstrates how a designer (Balakrishnan) made use of the advancements in technology to design and depict key factors necessary for branding strategies to achieve success. Source: Balakrishnan 622. Still on the computing insights, the author established strikingly, to enhance learn ing; designers have been approached by educators to maximize on the use of technological innovations such as Moodle web applications. These are applications that enhance design and technology curricular in schools. They are endowed with free and open-source e-learning software platforms which have abundant navigational features. Moving to the insights into the TV industry, the author established that while stating that modern research had failed to acknowledge the technological innovations that had undertaken place in the television industry, Jessica propounded ten facts to defuse the ten myths that had been established by early scholars (9). The ten facts avail abundant evidences that justify the notion that the TV, just like the internet, constituted an important media that had undergone technological transformations to emerge as a key source of information (Jessica 9). In one of the stated facts relating to 1960s, the author argued that the technological innovation in the TV indu stry had seen designers produce comedies dominated by themes of magic, fantasy and witchcraft. Nevertheless, to date, improved technology has seen standard TV sets designed to converge with media like: newspapers, shopping, and entertainment, advertising as well as video rental. This has led to the offering of a variety of uses through the advanced TV designs. The flat screen and LCD sets are examples of the high-tech TV designs that were designed based on the latest technological innovation in the sector. Figure 3 showing an image of the hi-tech designed Samsung LCD TV Source: Samsung Homepage Moving to the insights into the mobile phone industry, the author notably established that a study by Goggin had revealed that â€Å"from its prosaic or boring origin in its predecessor technologies, including wireless telegraphy, the telephone, radio, and the pager, the cell phone has become a much-desired, loving and crafted thing† (525). The author expounded on his findings by post ulating that this was the case because this artifact may be used to observe many entwined, sinuous facets of contemporary design (Goggin 525). Before its current sleek design, the mobile phone design revolved around creation of bulky, expensive and heavy gadget (Karie). To add, the author established that their design remained firmly anchored in engineering, industrial and scientific telecommunication realms. The breakthroughs in the mobile phone industry become noticeable once invention in technology made it possible to design technically lighter and portable devices. This decisive shift in technology that allowed designing of stand-alone portable phones provided the material basis upon which the current standard phone design features are embraced. To add, the author came to find that the breakthrough in mobile phone industry was embraced by the 2 early phone manufacturing companies namely Motorola and Nokia. These 2 giants maximized on the improved technology to design devices wit h new and improved features, new communication architectures, high capabilities as well as high cultural expectations. For instance, their new look devices were designed and incorporated with address books and games (starting with the Nokia Snake Game) amongst others. Furthermore, their devices were also designed to jostle with the wristwatch by being provided with time interfaces as well as additional alert technologies such as alarm clocks. Also, a notable breakthrough involved the invention of changeable mobile phone phases in the late 1990s. This experience enabled users to customize the available devices to suit their specific color preferences. As such, designers ensured that since the gadgets had become integral parts of persons’ everyday lifestyles, then it was necessary that they were designed and decorated to match their surroundings and expectations. Thankfully, succeeding years have seen the ever-changing technology lead to the smartening of the mobile phones. Whi le borrowing from Goggin research, the author established that IBM became the first competing manufacturer to introduce the smart phone (530). This was in the year 1992. Its device was strategically designed to combine versions of the then standard computer programs. However, today, almost all phone manufacturers have embraced the technological innovations in the industry by designing and developing high-tech smart phones that continue to be re-produced regularly in improved versions. Figure 3 below illustrates the latest iphone4, examples of smartened and advanced mobile phones as designed by the leading I-phones manufacturer, Apple. Figure 4 illustrating the latest iphone4s; examples of a smartened and advanced mobile phone designs by the leading smart phone designer Apple Source: Apple Homepage. Again, in the last section of the car industry, the author postulates that technological insights have helped designers to design and manufacture hybrid models that reduce on the carsâ⠂¬â„¢ production and fuel consumption costs (Lowgren and Stolterman 143). Examples of these technological innovations in the industry have been introduced and sustained by Toyota, the leading Japanese car manufacturer and seller. These innovations include the Just in Time (JIT) assembly lines and Lean Practices. The two innovations have helped its designers to reduce on the lifetime of new models by enhancing re-use in the production phases. Figure 5 showing the Lexus LS 600h hybrid sedan, a design product of the JIT and Lean technological innovations. Source: Toyota Home Page In a nutshell, as Balestri and the group established, learning to design is partly a social process (13). Although most scholars argue that novice designers need to learn in important ways by interacting with their peers and mentors, in this study, I establish a different trend. As such, I insist that the insights into technology have proved valuable assets for both the experienced and novice designers. To de fend my finding, I give the example of the electronic design studio which has been known to foster richer interaction amongst the learning community (students and the other faculty members included). It accomplishes this by use of its software and hardware technological interfaces that allow new forms of communication and conversation. This and the many findings in the above sections evidence the fact that insights into technology are valuable assets for modern designers. Works Cited Apple Homepage. â€Å"Iphone4S.† 2011.Web. Balakrishnan, Melodena Stephens. â€Å"Dubai – A Star in the East: A case Study in Strategic Destination Branding.† Journal of Place Management and Development 1.1 (2008): 62-91. Print. Balakrishnan, Melodena Stephens. â€Å"Strategic Branding of Destinations: A framework.† European Journal of Marketing 43.5/6 (2009) : 611-629. Print. Balestri et al. Learning to Design, Designing to Learn: Using Technology to Transform the Curriculum . New York: Taylor Francis, 1992. Print. Chief Architect Homepage. â€Å"Professional 3D Home Design Software.† 2010. Web. Deutsch, Jonathan R. â€Å"The Importance of Technology Design and Usability.† A published Doctoral Thesis, Presented to University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 2008. Web. Goggin, Gerard. Cellphone. Diss. Commonwealth of Australia, n.d. Print. Jessica, Helfand. Television Did It First: Ten Myths about â€Å"New† Media. n.d. Print. Karie, Jerome. â€Å"The Role of Science and Technology in Future Design†. Nobel Prize Homepage, 2000. Web. Lowgren, Jonas and Stolterman Erik. Thoughtful Interaction Design: A Design Perspective on Information Technology. Massachusetts, USA: MIT Press, 2004. Print. Marchal, Thierry. â€Å"The Competitive Edge: Robust Design Innovation with Simulation Driven Product Development.† n.d. Web. Morrison, A.M. and Anderson D.J. Destination Branding. UK: Purdue University Press, 2002. Print. Samsung Homep age. â€Å"Products.† 2011. 2 Nov. 2011. Stahl, Bernd Carsten. Issues and Trends in Technology and Human Interaction. USA UK: Idea Group Inc (IGI), 2007. Print. This essay on The Insights into Technology That are Valuable for Designers was written and submitted by user Kn0x to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How does the respiratory syste essays

How does the respiratory syste essays How does the respiratory system achieve the movement of air in to and out of the lungs? Discuss the physical factors involved in quiet breathing. The respiratory system in humans consists of the lungs, series of tubes leading to the lungs and the chest structures responsible for moving air into and out of lungs. The lungs are found in a closed compartment bounded by the neck muscles and the diaphragm called the thorax. The thoracic wall contains large amounts of elastic connective tissue, which assists in the stretching of the lungs. Each lung is completely surrounded by a closed sac called the pleural sac. In between the 2 plural sacs of each lung there is an extremely thin layer of intrapleural fluid. Changes in the hydrostatic pressure of this fluid, the intrapleural pressure, cause the lung and thoracic wall move in and out during normal breathing. The exchange of air between the atmosphere and the alveoli is called ventilation. During ventilation air moves into and out of the lungs because the alveoli pressure decreases and becomes greater than atmospheric pressure. These pressure changes are caused by changes in dimensions of the lungs. Boyles law states that at a constant temperature an increase in the volume of a container decreases the pressure of a gas whereas a decrease in container volume increases the pressure. This law can be applied to the lungs. As the lungs change in volume this causes a change in alveoli pressure, which drives air into and out of the lungs. The volume of the lung depends on 2 factors: - 1. Transpulmonary pressure the difference in pressure between the inside of the lung (alveoli pressure- Palv) and the outside of the lungs (intrapleural fluid pressure- Pip) Transpulmonary pressure = (Palv) - (Pip) 2. Compliance- the ability of lung tissues to stretch. change in pressure There are no muscles attached to lung surf ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Free English Essays

Free English Essays Free English Essays Free English Essays Free English essays should be used with caution.   Firstly, it is very unwise to submit free English essays as your own writings.   Secondly, free English essays may not correspond to your specific essay question.   What is the solution?   Read the free sample of English essays, decide whether you can write your own essay, and order professional essay writing service! Our English essay writers can write an essay on any topic!   All English essays are written from scratch and contain no plagiarism. is a trusted site hiring responsible writers. Free English essays - sample on society "Societies" can't make the kinds of conscious risk assessments that informed individuals do. Instead, those decisions are made by small subsets of the society, with most individuals (including many leaders) unaware that they are being made. Furthermore, although questions of intergenerational equity do play a role in individual risk assessment (women will, for example, avoid consuming substances in pregnancy they think may later harm their children), we believe that it should play a much larger role in social risk-taking. Social systems have adapted to the consequences of inevitable individual deaths. But should our generation's "decision" to wipe out much of Earth's biodiversity be carried out, the consequences could plague our descendants for a hundred thousand generations or more. The consequences of mistakes in social risk-taking can be therefore much more widespread and long-lasting than those of individual risk-taking. As has often been said about the extinction crisis, we are not just causing the deaths of many other organisms, we are causing an end to their births. To most people, the latter is a much grimmer consequence, be it for rhinos or for humanity. Since the probability of the extinction of many organisms is very high and the consequences are deemed very serious, the risk being run by not dealing effectively with the extinction crisis is gigantic. Social risk-benefit decisions differ from personal ones in another important way. The kinds of risks one faces day to day tend to be familiar and easily perceived, as are the benefits. Most of us have seen many automobile accidents, if not in person, then on the evening news. The risks one runs in driving are part of everyday life, but so is the convenience of personal transportation. Virtually everyone over fifty has seen a friend or relative die miserably of cancer and has lost someone close from a heart attack. Costs that are thought to lie far in the future may be heavily discounted - †the "getting lung cancer in my seventies is a small price to pay for the joy of smoking until then" syndrome. But easily perceived risks are often ignored if one values the benefits highly enough. Skydivers are in no doubt about the potential costs of the chute are not opening but know the exhilaration of the drop. Many regularly confront the zero infinity dilemma of jumping out of an airplan e for the fun of it and accept the risk. Custom Writing Of course, not every person is fascinated with writing. I know many people who hate writing.   You can be an excellent speaker but essay writing may cause uncontrollable nervousness.   If you really care about your academic achievements, do not hesitate to use professional English essay writing services.   Your essay will be written from scratch, meet all requirements, and guarantee positive results.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Algeria's Economy Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Algeria's Economy - Research Paper Example However, the sector does not provide enough employment opportunity for the large Algeria’s population, which mainly comprise of youths. Constant and rapid fluctuations in oil prices directly results in budgetary imbalances. This paper focuses on poverty levels, nutrition, and population growth, history of economic development and urban-rural issues, as well as land issues in Algeria. The paper also compares the economy and other aspect of Algerian economy to other countries in Africa, particularly in the North African region. Algeria’s Economy from the Beginning To 1960 By the start of 20th, Algeria was a French colony and was mainly dependent on agriculture for revenue generation. The settlers had invested in large agricultural territories, constructed manufacturing industries, opened up businesses, and made use of cheap available labor from the locals. The French colonial policies within Algeria calculatingly destroyed of the country’s native social system, whi ch had been built to cater for society’s basic needs. The settlers owned most of the Agricultural land, which resulted in high poverty levels among the Algerians. In the 1940, the population grew vastly which endangered the livelihood of most Algerians. Before Algeria’s independence in 1960, Algeria depended vastly on agriculture in addition to oil export. After independence, Algeria’s agricultural growth slowed down and oil as well as other hydrocarbons became an important source of income. Between 1950 and 1960, new land rights were introduced in which land became nationalized (Colombo, Caridi, & Kinninmont, 2012). Algeria’s Economy between 1960 and 1980 Before its independence in 1962, the minority of European colonizers and their progenies controlled the Algerian economy. The Algerian economy has essentially depended on oil exportation for revenue generation hence for economy development. The economy is thus considered a market based economy. During t he seventies, the economic policies were grounded on the command economy style (Paciello, Ayeb, Gillot, & Moisseron, 2012). The macroeconomic policies were flaccid and highly dependent on central organization and administrative guidelines. Market prices remained constant for long periods, while basic requirements were heavily subsidized, which resulted in repressed inflation and superfluous demand for the consumer goods. Public division investment was apportioned centrally by managerial schemes. Utmost investment funding was provided by the treasury and distributed to other subdivisions through the Algerian Bank for Development. The entire investment expenses in infrastructure, agricultural sector, and social schemes were dependent on the budget (Paciello, Ayeb, Gillot, & Moisseron, 2012). The distorted prices, poor infrastructure led to neglect of small enterprises. The industrial sector faced numerous managerial problems attributed to bureaucratic and inflexible management structu res. Inadequate marketing facilities, poor transport systems, and unsuitable management resulted in widespread wastage of limited resources, which gravely impaired the long-term welfare of the Algerian economy (Europa Publications, 2012). Algeria’s Economy from 1990 Until Now Agriculture remains a highly valued economic activity in Algeria though it currently provides employment to a small percentage of about 5% of the population.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Capital Budgeting Projects Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Capital Budgeting Projects - Research Paper Example The government of San Diego in undertaking these beneficial projects will face the difficulty in determining exactly the benefits. The benefits such as the effectiveness in transporting goods and reducing the cost of transportation can be easily highlighted. However, quantifying these benefits in monetary terms is very complex and cannot be accurately measures (Mikesell, 2011). The value of the goods transported and the speed of moving the human resource may not be determined without recording errors. The pursuance of these projects will also have some costs and negative externalities. During the development of the transport infrastructure, the government will incur costs of destroying the environment and moving the locals in order to get the space for expanding the projects. Moreover, destruction cost to the natural resources like rivers, trees and other resources cannot be easily determined. The increased number of automotives would increase the level of air pollution whose long term impact is hard to determine. Besides, the government must discount the future benefits and costs to determine the net present value. The rate of discounting the future benefits and the costs will pose the greatest challenge to the government (Mikesell, 2011). The use of an inappropriate rate may impair the decision of pursuing the project. In summary, the discounting of government projects remains difficult because of the non profit characteristics of the projects. The government in selecting the projects must however ensure that the projects pursued have more benefits compared to the costs. The San Diego capital improvement project in which the transport infrastructure is improved will definitely have more benefits than

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sense and Essay Essay Example for Free

Sense and Essay Essay Copy down at least three descriptions that connect to at least three of the following senses: a. visualb. tastec. hearingd. touch e. smell 3. Write down the author’s main point. Actually copy his main point from the essay so I can see that you see his thesis. 4. What are five words (diction) that you find interesting that the author uses to describe anything in the essay? Explain each word in a sentence that tells me why you think the word is interesting. 5. Why does the author compare the farm to a boat? Why do you like this or not. Explain in two sentences. . Explain why you would or would not like to be a part of the scene the author describes. Provide one quote/description that you like and explain why you like it. OR provide one quote/description you dislike, explain why you dislike it, and then rewrite it so that it is better in your opinion. 7. Then write a descriptive essay that models â€Å"Summer Wind† using ONE of the following two prompts. The essay should be at least ONE page long.   Writing Prompt One: Think of a force of nature that you have experienced. Write your own essay that completely describes the scene and how it affected you. Possible suggestions are these: a. An ice stormb. A floodc. A tornadod. A hurricane e. A riptide in the oceanf. A thunderstormg. A snowstormh. A heat wave Writing Prompt Two: The author of â€Å"Summer Wind† describes a quiet day in the life of his farm that he both enjoys and savors. Think about your own experiences and a quiet day that gave you pleasure. When finished with the essay, complete the following procedure with your essay: 1. Circle the images/descriptions that appeal to EACH of the five senses and label each sense visual, hearing, taste, touch, or smell. 2. Underline the main point you are trying to make in your essay; that is, underline the one sentence or two that tells me what you want to say or mean in your essay, the thesis. Name:_______________________________Date:________________Period:____ 0th Grade Literature and Composition (Periods 1, 3, 4, 6 7) Write the following assignment on loose leaf paper and then staple it to this sheet. This assignment needs to be completed by the end of the period. Carefully read the essay titled â€Å"Retreat into the iWorld† and answer the questions below: 1. Where does the author use a â€Å"story† or personal narrative? Where does the author get personal about his life? Copy down the first three words of the sentence of where he begins to do so and copy down the last three words of where the â€Å"story† ends. 2. Copy down the main point of the essay, Technology promises to make our lives easier, freeing up time for leisure pursuits. But the rapid pace of technological innovation and the split-second processing capabilities of computers that can work virtually nonstop have made all of us feel rushed. We have adopted the relentless pace of the very machines that were supposed to simplify our lives, with the result that, whether at work or play, people do not feel like their lives have changed for the better. Adapted from Karen Finucan, Life in the Fast Lane Assignment: Do technological changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better? Two pages. Prompt Two Many rare inventions or technical devices have drawbacks, major and minor. Think about an electronic device or innovation that is now available. Choose one and analyze its positive and negative effects. Once you have thought about both the positive and negative effects, choose a side for the following question: â€Å"Technology: harmful or helpful? You decide† Now write your essay, two pages. Some suggested technological products are camera phones, iPods, iPhones, chat rooms, blogs, digital cameras, DVD’s, cell phone ring tones, etc†¦

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Discrimination on the Border :: Essays Papers

Discrimination on the Border Introduction For over 250,000 women that work in Mexico’s maquiladora sectors the lack of enforced labor laws is a harsh reality. They are discriminated against because of their gender. The Mexican government fails to recognize and enforce the labor laws that protect women from pregnancy testing and other discriminatory treatment. Unfortunately, this isn’t the only problem. The companies that own these factories are also to blame for their lack of interest in their employees’ rights. The Mexican government fails to recognize the problem and so do the owners of these maquiladoras. Why does Pregnancy Discrimination occur? There are many reasons that pregnancy discrimination occurs. Most of them are financially related. Many employers of maquiladoras say that they do not hire pregnant women because â€Å"they want to avoid the cost of maternity benefits (HRW).† Under Mexico’s federal labor code pregnant workers are allowed 6 weeks paid maternity leave before birth and 6 weeks after. While on maternity leave, women have the right to keep their jobs as well as the other rights they have acquired under their labor contract. Maquiladora operators also claim that women are â€Å"not really seeking work, but company funded maternity benefits (HRW).† Maquiladora employers also state that â€Å"paying for an employee that is on maternity leave and not working isn’t a financially sound arrangement for a company (HRW).† Pregnancy discrimination not only violates Mexico’s Constitution and Federal Labor codes but also many international laws as well. The Mexican government has signed and agreed to follow rules of the International Labor office, which prohibits pregnancy as a form of sex discrimination. Mexico is also a partner in the North American Free Trade Agreement that governs the North American Agreement of Labor Cooperation (NAALC), which obligates Mexico to promote the elimination of sex discrimination (ILAB Press Release). Under NAFTA, Mexico voluntarily signed an agreement to the NAFTA labor rights side agreement. This agreement allows all signatories to have their labor practices reviewed by other NAAFA parties. This also allows all allegations to be analyzed by the NAO and committees to be formed to work with countries to resolve their labor problems (HRW). As it was shown, Mexico has many severe problems with gender discrimination in the maquiladora sector. These women have the right to work and be treated equally without the humiliation of frequent pregnancy testing and the verbal and physical abuse put on them by their supervisors.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How I Think and Learn

Throughout my college years I have found what my best ways of thinking and learning are. I have tried many different methods to make sure I get the best out of learning. Now that I know what helps me concentrate I stick to that method when studying. Thinking is a complex part of me that I have difficulties in, especially when I have to make a decision. Thinking and learning are a process that has no ending, and frequently can be modified to ones potential. To learn what I am being taught, I have to rewrite and review my notes.I have difficult time memorizing my notes, so the more I review them the easier it is for me to remember the content. Also, to learn in class I have to sit in the front of class to focus on what is being taught. When it comes to study time, I like to be alone to be able to think and process what I am learning. I don’t like to have distractions at this time so, this helps me concentrate and forget about any other issues I may have. I believe that I need to improve my persona so that I can become a successful and great nurse one day. I want to improve my technical skill, according to Alfaro, this it to focus on more important things.Sometimes I dedicate more time to socializing with friends and I don’t dedicate enough assignments, which is more important. In the past, while I was taking a science course, I would spend more time going out with my friends rather than studying for upcoming quizzes or exams. I know that if I focus more on important things I will be a better student that will lead to a great nursing career. Another, skill I want to improve on is my interpersonal skill. I have a difficulty communicating with others, especially if they are older people than me.I have difficulty expressing myself to others and giving any feedback. I would like to improve this skill because I want to prepare myself to working with a large number of people, like at a hospital. I know that being part of a health care team means that worki ng as a team is important. I will work on this skill by socializing more with my fellow co workers and other people when the time is appropriate. The last skill I think is important for me to improve is my intellectual skill as well. I think that my confidence in decision making is not very high.I usually don’t go with my gut feeling. For instance, when I take a test and I’m unsure about an answer, if I have an intuition about an answer I always doubt myself and end up choosing the wrong answer. I think this skill will help me as a nurse in the future because the life of patients will rely on me, and I have to make the best decision to keep them healthy. I plan to work on this skill by trusting myself and working on myself esteem. Throughout the years that I have dedicated in college to better my education and prepare for a better future I have learned many new things about myself.I’ve found out what my styles in learning are, and what helps me learn and stay fo cus. I have been able to critically think about different situations that will impact my life and have been able to make wise decisions about my life. I am happy that there is great opportunity for improvement in myself. I am looking forward into putting to use what I have learned and happy that I’ve been thought the difference between a thinker and a critical thinker. Alfaro-Lefevre, R. (2009). Critical thinking and clinical judgement (4th ed). Philadelphia: WB Saunders

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Social Psychology of the Salem Witch Trials

There are several other terms that could replace mob psychology such as group think, group control, social psychology. Social psychology is termed as a branch of human psychology dealing with the behavior of groups and the influence of social factors on the individual. (Donahue) â€Å"An individual is subjected to a more powerful control when two or more persons manipulate variables having a common effect upon behavior†. (Skinner 323) The psychology behind this simply states that two people are more influential than one and four people more Influential than two, etc.In the case of the Salem witch trials, this Is extremely evident. Having started with just two young girls from the same household and to grow into a state wide panic at such a fast rate supports this idea. In 1692, Salem was a Puritan village outside of Boston. The puritan teachings and beliefs were deeply revered and a way of life for the followers. The preacher of the church was Reverend Samuel Paris. His sermon s were fiery, emphasizing on spiritual warfare between the saved and the dammed. Norton 18) Before the trials began, Pearls preached a series of sermons about the first verse of Psalm 1 10: â€Å"Sit thou at my right hand, till I make thin enemies thy footstool. † (Norton 1 8) His reticular style of teaching emphasized on the vast differences between â€Å"us† and â€Å"them†; â€Å"us† being the saved and â€Å"them† being the dammed, thus instilling fear in the congregation and giving him control of his followers. To put it in a better perspective, David Hackett Fisher wrote concerning Puritan religion â€Å"Anyone outside of or contrary to that church was an agent of the devil†¦It was the responsibility of the church to help such a person by introducing him to confess the indwelling of an evil spirit and free himself. If he did not confess, it were better he be killed, lest he be a vehicle through witch the devil contaminate others. (Eleph ant 134) With this being the Puritan mindset, it would be common to fear the repercussions of not conforming to the rules and standards of the religion. Some religious leaders use the fear that sin will keep you from Heaven and that only the leader could save you from damnation. Skinner 3 The Puritans were on a crusade against evil and those who practiced witchcraft. (Schnapps, Ties 133-148) Samuel Paris was not the only religious figure who was preaching these messages at the time. Cotton Matter was a very well known and prestigious minister at Boson's Old North Church. He firmly believed in the practice f witchcraft. His father, Increase Matter, was extremely influential as well at the time. Both had published works about evil in the very real presence of witchcraft. These, as well as other writings were available to the public and influenced public thinking.Cotton Matter's first book length publication was Memorable Providence's, Relating to Witchcraft. This publication was based on his experience with the Goodwin family. Their children became â€Å"possessed† and Matter was personally involved in the children's deliverance. (Hill 20) Eighteen months after the Goodwin trial in Boston, Samuel Paris' young daughter ND niece began exhibiting the same strange behavior. Having read Cotton Matter's book, he feared the worst for the children. Once examined by Dir. Grids, and finding no plausible reason for their illness, the doctor concluded that it must be witchcraft. Starkey 45) The Paris' owned a slave couple named Tuba and John Indian. Tuba's growing concern for the girls inspired her to bake a witch cake. This cake contained the young girls' urine and was to be fed to a dog. If the dog were to behave strangely, the presence of witchcraft would be confirmed. (Hill 23) Samuel Paris was horrified of these actions. After hearing what Tuba did, the girls announced that it was in fact Tuba who had bewitched them. Along with these accusations, the girls also stated two other women in the community were responsible: Sarah Osborne and Sarah Good. Norton 44) The three women were of lower nobility which made the accusations much more plausible. These women were typical suspects of witchcraft. In both Europe and America, witches were mostly female, in their forties or older, had no social power, and did not conform to the social norm. (Elephant 136) â€Å"It was easy to make that assumption because they seemed more obnoxious, that kind of seasoning is dangerous. † (Borer 137) Many references to the accused are merely called Hags thus placing the women beneath those accusing her. In no time at all, the number of accusations and accusers increased rapidly.Young women were receiving attention and had access to public power. The girls could shriek and scream and not be punished, but instead be looked upon as victim. (Elephant 137) The amount of fear greatly increased through out the village. To be against the group would put you in danger , thus the group grows out of fear. (Skinner 323) The girls not only grew in number but in age as well. Each girl would vary in heir emotional patterns and would feed off of each others reactions. (Starkey 45) Those who were imprisoned were accusing others and chaos rapidly ensued.The community response became more agitated as the trials continued. Those who confessed were neither tried nor sentenced. (Elephant 138) The number of confessions only supported the girls' accusations allowing them more credibility. Those who claimed to be innocent were hung following their trial or for one man tortured. At this point, the presence of a strong governing body could have brought a more peaceful solution and calmed the growing fear of the people. Instead, the Judges a owe ten tentacles In ten courtroom anon ten solution spun quickly out AT control.This is an example of how mob psychology affected the outcome of these trials. The peoples' fears were compounded by the girls' emotional out burs ts, the religious view points being expressed at this time and growing distrust of people seen as different from themselves. There was no governing body, civil or religious, that was willing or able to control public response. On the contrary, the establishment of Court of Ore and Determiner, in May of 1692, brought a new level of seriousness. Norton 194) Grand and petty Juries were formed, witnesses were called in and the charades escalated.On December 23, the court appointed new Juries of men who felt the proceedings were too violent and they would use â€Å"another method† while conducting future trials. (Norton 291) Once these men took control of the trials, order was slowly becoming restored into play and the storm began to calm. Many who were still imprisoned were only there because they could not pay the fees to be released. Tuba was one of the last remaining to be freed since Samuel Paris refused to pay her cost of imprisonment. Norton 292) When the trials finally cam e to an end, twenty people had died.This tragic and unfortunate event could have had a much more positive out come had the control of the group been enforced at an earlier time. It is clearly evident that the force of the mob caused the Salem witch trials to become so overwhelming. Increase Matter played a major influential part toward the end of the trials by opposing the manner in which Salem officials handled the allegations. (Norton 291). Luckily for the town of Salem, new laws were put into action as to how to conduct a witch trial properly. Works Cited Borer, Paul S, and Stephen Einsteinium.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Maquiladoras essays

Maquiladoras essays What role does maquiladora play in the development of a country? Why is this phenomenon seen as a new phase in capitalist development? Is this a reasonable claim? The role that the maquila plays in the development of a country is an interesting topic to discuss. To understand the role that maquiladoras play, one must first gain an understanding of the original purpose of the maquila. Then, by studying the evolution of the maquiladora to a big manufacturing base, one may have a better understanding of how this type of firm may lead to the development of the host country. In the first section, I will discuss the origination and development of the maquiladoras. In section two, I will provide the opinions of some economists and their insights as to how the maquiladora has affected developing countries. The third section deals with capitalism and how maquiladoras play a role in the development of a capitalist economy. In section four, I will discuss my opinions on the arguments that I have presented. The final section will include some concluding remarks. Now, let us familiarize The word maquiladora is derived from the Spanish verb maquilar, which means to mill wheat into flour. Farmers would mill wheat into portions and then give a portion to the miller; this portion was called a maquila. As time passed, the word maquila became associated with manufacturing, assembly and packaging processes that were carried out by someone that was not the original manufacturer. In todays economic world, the word maquiladora stands for a special type of company in Mexico (Maquila Overview 1). The component that makes the maquiladora different from any other manufacturing plant is that they are allowed to import raw materials, equipment, and parts needed for assembly, and export the finished good to the United States on a duty free basis (Maquilas 1). ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Peter Abelard - Philosopher and Teacher

Peter Abelard - Philosopher and Teacher Peter Abelard was also known as: Pierre Abà ©lard; also spelled Abeillard, Abailard, Abaelardus, and Abelardus, among other variations Peter Abelard was known for: his significant contributions to Scholasticism, his great ability as a teacher and writer, and his infamous love affair with his student, Heloise. Occupations: MonasticPhilosopher TheologianTeacherWriter Places of Residence and Influence: France Important Dates: Died: April 21, 1142 Quotation from Peter Abelard: This first key of wisdom is defined, of course, as assiduous or frequent questioning. Sic et Non, translated by W. J. Lewis More Quotations by Peter Abelard About Peter Abelard: Abelard was the son of a knight, and he gave up his inheritance to study philosophy, particularly logic; he would become renowned for his brilliant use of dialectics. He attended many different schools seeking knowledge from a variety of teachers, and often came into conflict with them because he was so headstrong and certain of his own brilliance. (The fact that he really was brilliant didnt help matters.) By 1114 Peter Abelard was teaching in Paris, where he met and tutored Heloise and became a notable figure of the twelfth-century Renaissance. As a philosopher, Peter Abelard is well-remembered for his solution to the problem of universals (definitive qualities of any given class of things): he maintained that language itself cannot determine the reality of things, but that physics must do so. He also wrote poetry, which was very well received, and established several schools. In addition to these scholarly efforts, Abelard wrote a letter to a friend, which has come down to us as the Historia Calamitatum (Story of My Misfortunes). Together with letters written to him by Heloise, it provides a great deal of information about Abelards personal life. Peter Abelards affair with Heloise (whom he had married) came to an abrupt end when her uncle, wrongly believing Abelard was forcing her to become a nun, sent thugs to his house to castrate him. The scholar hid his shame by becoming a monk, and his philosophical focus shifted from logic to theology. Abelards subsequent career was extremely rocky; he was even condemned as a heretic at one point, and the work the Church deemed heretical was burned. Because Abelard was so cocksure, applied logic so ruthlessly to matters of faith, criticized anything he found worthy of contempt and frequently insulted fellow clerics, he was not well-loved by his contemporaries. However, even his harshest critics had to concede that Peter Abelard was one of the greatest thinkers and teachers of his time. For more about Peter Abelard, his relationship with Heloise, and the events that followed, visit  A Medieval Love Story.   More Peter Abelard Resources: A Medieval Love StoryOnline Text of Abelards Historia CalamitatumQuotations by Peter AbelardAbelard and Heloise Picture GalleryPeter Abelard on the WebAbelard Heloise on FilmThe link below will take you to an online store, where you can find more information about the film. This is provided as a convenience to you; neither Melissa Snell nor About is responsible for any purchases you make through this link. Stealing HeavenBased on the fictional novel by Marion Meade, this 1989 film was directed by Clive Donner and stars Derek de Lint and Kim Thomson. The text of this document is copyright  ©2000-2015 Melissa Snell. You may download or print this document for personal or school use, as long as the URL below is included. Permission is not granted  to reproduce this document on another website. For publication permission,  please   contact  Melissa Snell. The URL for this document is:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Culture and International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Culture and International Business - Essay Example Yet, McDonalds own brand also gave the company problem that is more pronounced than any other american brands. Perhaps there are no other American brands which had been patently labeled and stereotyped as a symbol of American imperialism than that of McDonalds. This issue is magnified by the fact McDonalds typically becomes a target (usually by vandalism) everytime there are protests against the American government abroad. The irony of it is that perhaps there are no other fast food chain in the market that exerts that much effort than McDonalds to assimilate with the local culture where it operates. Its franchises outside of North America are not even run by Americans but by the locals who took pains to customize its offerings just to cater to the local preference. But no matter what it does, McDonalds will always be associated with American imperialism. This misconception about McDonalds is not only limited to cultural labeling but extends to social status as well. Section II: McDo nalds, cheap yet classy? McDonalds is also having a social stratification issue on how it should position itself in the market. Shall it serve the mid section and upper section or the upper section of the market? Market response is ambivalent that it proves difficult to categorize which market should McDonals concentrate. In emerging markets such as Russia, China, even including South Asia, McDonalds is considered to be a restaurant that is a class above the rest and highly esteemed as a brand. Eating at McDonalds can even be considered as a status symbol. Yet in its major market in the United States and Europe where it derives two thirds of its revenue, the fast food chain is considered to be a cheap food, something to be eaten just to survive not to mention unhealthy. As a food, McDonalds does not have the respect in its major market compared to the esteemed it have in emerging markets. In UK, it even came to a point that McDonalds will be taxed alleging that it is damaging people ’s health and costs the health care substantial amount. In the United States, parents are even suing the company for misleading them over its nutritional value. These ambivalence of market’s reaction towards McDonalds makes it difficult for the company to adopt a universal market strategy to penetrate the global market. What it does is to constantly adapt to the eccentricities of its local market whose magnitude of its assimilation may have already changed the company itself. Section 3. Who influences who with McDonalds? In its effort to assimilate with the preferences of its local markets, McDonalds customizes its menu in a myriad of ways to the point of departure to its original menu. In Germany, McDonalds can be served with beer. In Israel, McDonald’s burgers does not have cheese. In India, its patties are not made of beef. In UK, traditional supersize meals are no longer welcome and is replaced by healthy offerings. The list goes on and on with the changes M cDonalds have implemented just to cater to the differing taste preference of its local market. These change is not only limited to McDonald’s food offerings but also extends to its suppliers. Along with the changing menu is also the change of suppliers to make such change in menu possible. These change in suppliers makes it patently un-McDonald because a